Anxiety Therapy Online Across NY, NJ, CT, & FL

When your mind starts racing with “what-ifs,” it’s hard to focus on anything else.

This cycle of overthinking has affected every corner of your life—your work, relationships, finances, and even your physical health. Maybe you’ve noticed that anxiety can sometimes lead to headaches, muscle aches, stomach aches, and beyond. The combination of physical and mental strain can make it hard to keep up with responsibilities on a day-to-day basis, and it’s even harder still when you’re not sleeping well at night.

Your worries influence the choices you make, and you don’t usually like the direction they lead you in. 

Worries about being judged in public lead to feeling lonely at home by yourself. Worries about saying the wrong thing lead to a lack of communication with the people you care about. Worries about the potential of a place or circumstance making you anxious lead you to avoiding certain situations altogether.


you can learn to manage your anxiety instead of letting it manage you.


  • Constantly feeling on-edge, like something bad is going to happen

  • Feeling paralyzed when you try to step out of your comfort zone

  • Dreading what the day has in store from the moment you wake up

  • Letting fear control your life


  • Feeling at-ease in your daily life

  • Understanding what triggers your anxiety & how to respond

  • Developing a more positive outlook & skills to calm your mind

  • Building resilience & confidence in your ability to face fears

My approach

Hearing, seeing, supporting, & empowering you.

Anxiety doesn’t define you, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a very real part of life. From the moment we start working together, I want you to know that our sessions are a safe space. When you tell me about the things that worry you or stress you out—even the ones you think are “silly”—you’ll always be met with empathy and assurance that you’re not “crazy” or “weird” for feeling that way.

All the work we do together will be a collaborative effort.

After we’ve talked about what’s been going on, we’ll agree on some goals to start working toward. I can help you understand the “why” behind your anxiety triggers and thought patterns, and teach you how the mind-body connection affects our overall health and wellbeing. We’ll explore—and eventually face—your fears together. 

I’ll customize tools and skills so they’ll work well for you, and you’ll be able to use them outside of our sessions to stay grounded in the present, relax and sleep better, manage stress, and practice more self-care.

Through learning and trying out these skills, I’m totally open to your feedback and will be happy to readjust our approach as needed. Over time, you’ll be able to identify the signs of anxiety early on and use what we’ve worked on together to return to a state of calm and confidence, regardless of what unfolds beyond your control.

You deserve more than anxiety wants you to have.

It’s time to take the first step toward the life you want.





  • It's true that feeling anxious is a normal part of life, but when anxiety starts interfering with your daily activities or makes it hard to enjoy anything, that's when it might be time to seek some extra support. If your anxiety is causing distress and affecting your ability to function at work, school, or in relationships, therapy can provide helpful tools and strategies to manage it better.

  • Absolutely, anxiety can definitely cause physical symptoms like a racing heart, sweating, trembling, feeling dizzy, headaches, stomach aches, vomiting, and more. It's your body's way of responding to the stress or worry you're feeling inside. The coping skills you can learn through therapy can help ease those physical sensations.

  • An anxiety attack can feel different for everyone, but it often involves intense feelings of fear or panic, along with physical symptoms like a pounding heart, shortness of breath, sweating, or trembling. It's like your body's alarm system going off, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming and scary. Therapy can help you identify what causes these attacks and how to prevent or manage them in the future.

  • While anxiety may not be completely "curable" in the sense we view physical ailments as curable, many people find relief and learn to manage it effectively through therapy, lifestyle changes, and sometimes medication. It's more about finding ways to reduce its impact on your life and feel more in control of your emotions, which therapy can help you do.