Dating & Relationship Therapist for Women Online Across NY, NJ, CT, & FL

You may have kissed a lot of frogs, but so far none of them have transformed into someone you want to spend your life with—let alone someone with a royal title.

Whether you’re currently in a relationship, dating around, or recently single, you know there has to be more to love than what you’ve experienced. You’ve tried lowering your standards or dating outside of your usual “type”, but things always seem to turn out the same way: with you bending over backwards to please someone who will barely lift a finger for you.

You constantly question yourself when things don’t work out— “Am I too needy?”, “Am I being crazy?”, “Should I just give up?”. And on top of feeling like maybe you’re not good enough to have the kind of partner you want, the prospects out there aren’t very promising. Modern dating seems like an endless spiral of dating app disappointments, and you don’t know if you have it in you to be disappointed again.

What you do know is that you’re tired of the cycle you feel stuck in, and you want to leave the relationship issues you’ve had in the past behind you.


you can step out of the shadow of self-doubt & stop settling for less than you deserve.


  • Putting everyone else’s wants & needs before your own

  • Feeling stuck in a cycle of dating the same kind of person over & over

  • Blaming yourself for not being able to find a good partner

  • Feeling unworthy, unlovable, and lonely


  • Asserting yourself & setting boundaries

  • Trusting your gut & recognizing when patterns are repeating

  • Exploring your personal values & defining your ideal partner

  • Building the confidence & self-worth you need to feel fulfilled

My approach

Helping you heal from past relationships so future ones can flourish.

This process is about you, first and foremost. Through it, I’ll support and guide you, and always be in your corner. When we talk about your experiences, I’ll never judge what you choose to share—because as a woman myself, I get it. Relationships and dating can be messy and sometimes bring out the worst in us, but if we can learn from the past, our futures can be bright.

Together, we’ll get clear about what you’d ideally want in a partner. We’ll also set personal goals related to helping you feel more confident, able to speak up for yourself,  and assured of your own inherent worth. These things can seem impossible in the beginning, but with some practice, they can become as easy as breathing.

To get a better idea of your foundation…

We’ll explore your past romantic relationships, as well as the romantic relationships you saw as a child—which often set an example we follow without even realizing it.

We’ll work on finding tools and skills that can help you communicate better, feel more in-control of your emotions, and set boundaries that improve all the relationships in your life—not just romantic ones. We can practice these things in our sessions, along with doing other activities, so you’ll feel prepared to use them out in the world. That way, if (and when) you go on another bad date, you won’t let it discourage you—and you’ll be excited to tell me about it in our next session.

You have the power to create the connections you desire.

It’s time to embrace your worthiness & capacity for love.





  • I do work with couples! You can read about how couples therapy with me works here.

  • Romantic relationships can definitely have their challenges, but they shouldn't feel like a constant uphill battle. It's normal to have disagreements or tough times now and then, but if it feels like you're always struggling, it might be worth exploring why that is and if the relationship is meeting your needs—I’d be happy to explore alongside you.

  • Dating apps can be a mixed bag. They can be a convenient way to meet new people and potentially find a connection, but they also come with their own set of challenges and frustrations. It's essential to approach them with a healthy dose of skepticism and self-awareness. If you’re feeling like you need a break from dating apps to reset your expectations, that’s fine too. Either way, in our sessions together, we can weigh the pros and cons and work to build resilience to underwhelming dating experiences so you won’t settle for less than you deserve.

  • Self-worth comes from within—it's about how you see and value yourself. It can be influenced by many things, including your upbringing, experiences, and relationships. Improving self-worth often involves practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and challenging negative self-talk—all of which we can work on together. It's a journey, but with time and effort, it can definitely be improved.